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Additional savings available on health coverage

Additional savings available on health coverage

Additional savings are available on health coverage because of the American Rescue Plan (ARP), signed March 19, 2021.

Here is a brief summary of these savings:

  • -All people who enroll through the Marketplace and apply for financial assistance will receive more assistance to help pay monthly premiums. Our federal partners have stated that individuals will see an average of $50 savings in additional savings per month per person enrolled. These extra savings are available now to people who apply or update their application through
  • Removal of the income limit for financial assistance eligibility of 400 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL). People over 400 percent of the FPL are now eligible for financial assistance. These extra savings are available now to people who apply or update their application through
  • People who are approved to received or are receiving unemployment for at least one week in 2021 will be considered to be at 133 percent of the FPL for the purposes of calculating Marketplace financial assistance eligibility. The disregard of income above 133 percent of the FPL will not affect determining potential eligibility for Oregon Health Plan coverage. These savings will be available later this summer.
  • People are given forgiveness of excess advanced premium tax credits (APTC) applied in 2020. People who have filed their taxes will receive a refund of the overpayment from the IRS. The IRS is expected to release guidance soon.
  • People currently eligible for COBRA benefits will have $0 premiums from April 1 through Sept. 30, if enrolled in COBRA benefits. Employers must pay the premium and will be reimbursed in the form of tax credits next year.