FG Insurance

Health Insurance Made Simple!

Open Mon - Fri

9:00 - 4:00

Need some help?


(971) 413-7132 x200

Group Insurance

2 employees? 27? Maybe 120? We can help you offer group insurance benefits that suit your company and employees best.

  •    SMALL GROUPS    
  •     LARGE GROUPS    
  •    GROUP DENTAL    


No group is too small for our undivided attention!

We specialize in small business health insurance for groups of two to twenty in Oregon. Group size can range from a group of two to a group of twenty or more. Choose from many options and benefits based on your needs and budget, including:

  • Medical
  • Dental
  • Vision
  • Disability
  • Life

Does my business qualify for group health insurance?

A Small group is defined as a business with fewer than 50 employees working more than 30 hours a week. Temporary and seasonal employees (Employees that work fewer than 120 days per year) do not count.

Should I offer health insurance or give employees cash?

Keep in mind that payroll taxes apply to any cash given to employees. We are delighted to help you find a sound solution with our expertise in real comparison shopping. We are appointed with every carrier that offers small group health insurance in Oregon. We shop the market, so you can focus on running your business.Your company may choose high deductibles with up front benefits, or very low deductibles. We help you sort out what is right for your company and your employees.



Boost employee retention; benefits are big!

What is a large group? A large group contains 50 or more employees working more than 30 hours a week. (Definition of a seasonal employee is an employee

scheduled for fewer than 120 days per year.)

Dependents A dependent means a child who is under age 26. A spouse is not considered to be a dependent. Failure to allow an employee to enroll a dependent under 26 year of age has the same effect as not offering coverage at all, so we advise toward plans that include dependent coverage.

I Have Seasonal Employees. Is my group Large or Small? Employers that “on average“ have at least 50 full-time employees on a business days during prior calendar year are considered large groups.The average is calculated based on Full Time Equivalent (FTE) for each month: Full-time employee (FT) = 130 hours of service for month Full-time equivalents (FTE) – Total hours for month of non FT employees/120Sum of FT + FTE for each month +12

For Example:

In a given year, an employer has 35 full-time employees and many non-full-time employees who worked 1260 hours. 1260 divided by 120 = 10.5 full-time employees for January + 35 full time employees = 45.5 for January. Repeat for each month; add all 12 months, and divide by 12.  If the sum of all the full-time employees = 50 or more, this would be considered a large group.



Employee or Employer Paid

Employers can pay nothing at all, or as much as they would like toward employee dental insurance. Monthly premiums may be deducted from employee’s paycheck pre-taxed. You need to prove you own a small business and that the employee is on the payroll.

Dental insurance is usually not cost effective, but we have found both Employee and Employer Paid plans that are amazing! All plans are similar yet slightly different, but generally cover preventive services at 100%, fillings at 80% and major services at 50%.


What should I bring to my appointment?

Are you sizing up if group insurance is something you can consider offering to your employees? Maybe you're ready to roll out benefits and need to make final decisions on choices and set up a time for us to present those options to your employees. Or, maybe, you're been offering group benefits and need to make some adjustments. We're ready for you!

Please bring with you to your appointment:

  • If you've previously had group insurance, bring the name of your previous insurance carrier.
  • A completed census form-- Download the form here!

Get in touch

(971) 413-7132 ext. 200

Insurance is confusing and can be very expensive. Our health insurance brokers will simplify it for you.

Appointed with every carrier, we provide clients with a real comparison shopping experience.

FG Insurance for all your health insurance and Medicare needs


Mon - Fri

9:00 - 4:00

Need some help?


(971) 413-7132 x200

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